Engraving etching Polysensitive pictures for TREATMENT Bioenergetics pictures for INTERIOR DESIGN VIDEO of the Bioenergetics pictures PAINTING ENGRAVING ILLUSTRATION DESIGN OF INTERIOR BORIS MICHRI ART CENTER


Educational background: Art school and Master Degree in architecture.

Worked as an architect in Russia and Israel. Participated in many professional contests.
Starting 1985 participates in international exhibitions. Etching, books illustrations and painting is a partial list of Boris’s fields of activity. Boris included into catalogue "Masters of Miniature Engravings".

In 1989 created his first bioenergetics and polysensitive pictures, which have a certain therapeutic effect. These pictures influence all senses: sight, smell, touch, balance as well as organs of bioenergetics perception. Boris worked for professional Center of Alternative Medicine in Tel-Aviv. He widely uses his pictures for treatment.
In 2001 discovered the "Theory of emotion influence of art to physiological body systems'.

Boris’s personal exhibitions were organized in Russia, Moldova, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Israel and USA. His pictures are exposed in museums and in private collections.
These days, Boris leads Art Center in Ramat-Gan.

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